How to Root the Sony Xperia U​ and install CWM

អ្នកអាន: Unknown | Monday, April 01, 2013 |

Root the Sony Xperia U

I.Rooting Xperia U
1. Download and place the Root Package archive onto your Desktop.
2. Unzip files from the archive to your Desktop.
3. Turn ON the USB debugging option on your device from Menu>>Settings>>Developer options>>USB debugging.
4. Connect your device to your PC using the USB cable.
5. Double-click on the RunMe.bat file you extracted earlier to your Desktop.
6. When it asks you to choose the mode, select Normal mode.
7. Select Root option in the tool and it’ll begin rooting your device.
8. Once rooting’s done, reboot your device.
9. And you’re all done!

 II.Install CWM
1. ចុចទីនេះដើម្បីទាញយករួចពន្លាវា(Extract files)
2. បើកUSB debuggingដោយចុច Menu>>Settings>>Developer options>>USB debugging​
3. ភ្ជាប់ទូរស័ព្ទជាមួយកំព្យូរទ័រ 
4. ចុច double-click on Recovery x ដែលបានពន្លា
5. ជ្រើសយកSony Ericsson ពីក្នុងBrand  ជ្រើសយក Xperia U ពីក្នុងDevice ជ្រើសយក RecoveryរួចចុចNext

III. Installing Khmer Unicode

Download khmer font and flash  by CWM

ចំណាំ: ត្រូវunlock boadloaderជាមុនសសិន​ Here